Protect Yourself, or Learn from My Mistake


I recently had a bit of a Facebook disaster with my Kim Schlossberg Designs business page. I set up a “Business Manager” account, which is what you’re required to do in order to use different payment methods for different clients. Somehow, in the course of doing that, my own Kim Schlossberg Designs page broke. I’m apparently no longer an administrator on my own page. I can’t do most things on the page – I can’t write new posts, I can’t respond to inquiries or comments, I can’t let people know that I’m not getting their comments. I tried to link my Instagram page to the new Facebook page, but since they’re the same company, and the Instagram is linked to the original page, I can’t make that change without being an admin.

It’s almost like Facebook is doing everything they can to mess with my business.

I lost hundreds of followers, and years and years of curated content.

Fortunately, someone else is an Editor, so she was able to write some posts for me – I’m really thankful to her for that.

I entered a support ticket, and Facebook closed it with a glib “thank you for your patience.” Facebook doesn’t offer any other type of support, so I have no way of fixing this.

It really appears like this will never get resolved. I’ve set up a new page, creatively called “Kim Schlossberg Designs New.” I can’t even shut down the original page, so there’s no way to measure the damage this might do to my business.

Three lessons learned:

  1. ALWAYS have at least two administrators on every account like this. You never know when one will go haywire when it’s something like Facebook that’s so out of your control and offers no actual support.
  2. Always keep a good copy of any original content. I recommend that people use a blog on their own website for all content, and just link it to your Facebook pages. (all my original content is available on my blog.)
  3. I learned to invite all of you to Like and Follow my new page – Kim Schlossberg Designs New. And please share with your friends.

Stay safe out there!

Kim Schlossberg
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About the Author

Kim Schlossberg created Kim Schlossberg Designs to help businesses and non-profits refine their messages and get them out to the right audience, in a clear, consistent, and integrated way. She provides strategic planning, execution and coordination of marketing, branding, and design by developing a deep understanding of clients’ businesses and their goals, and serves as a trusted advisor to help them grow their businesses and brand. Kim speaks to business and non-profit groups about marketing and related topics, and publishes a well-received (but slightly irregular) newsletter.

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