Welcome to Our Newsletter

Welcome! I use this forum to discuss things that I’m passionate about, and that my clients at Kim Schlossberg Designs care about. Topics will include marketing, conscious business, branding, writing, graphic design, web design, social media, non-profit marketing, creativity, exciting new business ideas, proposals, advertising, and inspiration. I’ll pay attention to what people respond to, and I’ll give you more of that.

Please share anything your friends might find useful or entertaining. I’d love to hear your comments and feedback.

Until next time, I wish you happiness, productivity, and creativity.


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Kim Schlossberg
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About the Author

Kim Schlossberg created Kim Schlossberg Designs to help businesses and non-profits refine their messages and get them out to the right audience, in a clear, consistent, and integrated way. She provides strategic planning, execution and coordination of marketing, branding, and design by developing a deep understanding of clients’ businesses and their goals, and serves as a trusted advisor to help them grow their businesses and brand. Kim speaks to business and non-profit groups about marketing and related topics, and publishes a well-received (but slightly irregular) newsletter.

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