In journalism, every good story must answer these questions, often referred to as the 5Ws and How. The specific questions vary slightly; here’s Wikipedia’s version: Who was involved? What happened? Where did it take place? When did it take place? […]
What’s wrong with color trend forecasts?
For the record, I had purple hair more than a year before Pantone named “ultra violet” the color of the year. Along with giving graphic designers and printers tools to accurately specify colors, Pantone has been predicting color trends for as […]
Are you neglecting your brand’s most important audience?
Or, why you should be preaching to the choir You’ve probably heard this a thousand times – and many of those from me. Whenever we start on a branding project, or a marketing campaign, or a website, we always start […]
Plant in Fertile Ground for Marketing Success
If you’re like me, it’s time to start planning this year’s garden. It’s not time to plant yet (I think it’s the coldest day of the year in Dallas as I write this), but it’s time to think about it. […]
Happy Thanskgiving!
Strategic Planning for a Happy Thanksgiving Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. So while you’re reading this, I’m cooking my biggest meal of the year. I actually wrote this newsletter two weeks ago! Three cheers for planning ahead! Thanksgiving is one of my […]
Simple SEO for the rest of us
I’ve been getting many questions lately about how to get a higher Google ranking for your site. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a very complicated process, but here are some simple, high-level pointers that should help most of us. At […]
My Best Ever, All-time Champion Facebook Post
I shared this post on the Kim Schlossberg Designs Facebook page a couple of weeks ago. It was by far my most successful post on this page. It had 4,200 organic views, including 236 reactions, comments, and shares. In case […]
Don’t let your samples become lost opportunities
Since I started buying makeup in my teens, I have been attracted to the “free gift with purchase” offers. I’ve gotten hundreds of free sample sized products over the years. Often I use them up, or save them for my […]
One-page path to marketing your special event
We all know that special events can be stressful. There are so many things to do to create, manage, and market the event, all while keeping the big-picture goal in mind. I’ve compiled the 55 steps of marketing a special […]